Monday, October 20, 2008


This picture was taken (by Trinity) after the girls dance recital. By this time I was a complete mess. Not only did we arrive that afternoon with me suffering from a raging case of PMS, but I was also suffering from PMS Type 2 (Proud Mommy Sydrome). I was on the verge of tears before the girls even got their dance shoes on. An extra set of hands would have saved my day, but as is most often the case, I was on my own. So I had to get the girls dressed, leave them with another mother, run out to the car where I had their flowers hidden, actually save my seat with said flowers, run back to the dressing room to check on them, and then run back to my seat to video tape their performance. Afterwards, I had to run backstage, through the crowd of dancers and parents and get their shoes changed. It was such mad chaos that Madison almost didn't make it on stage for the second performance. (As a side note, some jerk stole my program, that I had to buy, as I was rushing her to the stage). I barely made it back to the auditorium (I wasn't even able to get back to my seat) to record their dance, but I did. Then I was off and running again. Thank God nobody stole the flowers that were diligently saving the seat I barely got to sit in. I grabbed the flowers and showered kisses upon kisses on my two little dancers, who as always had made me so very proud. I wish all of you could have been there to see them shine.

Will never be a stage mom

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