To avoid having to fold laundry, I decided to do a little pre-Spring cleaning in my kitchen. When it was all said and done, I had found TEN plug-in thingees. TEN. But only TWO refills (which is why only 8 are pictured. I promptly put two to work). Apparently I like the house to smell good, but I'm too frugal to actually make it happen.

Heck send them my way!!! I LOVE those things and buy refills at least every other week. I get many compliments on our fresh smelling house!!!! I should by stock in Plugs ins I SWEAR!!!
You should try Scentsy Wickless Candles!!! They are a warmer, and have so many to pick from and the it smells soooooooooo good. I'm getting more, and also got my mom hooked on them. take a look
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