I think only Mom will appreciate this picture. The girls room is far from what I want it to be (the green blinds have GOT to go), but at least it's a vast improvement from where it was. Before, you literally couldn't see the beds for all the clean clothes piled on them, due to my laundry aversion and lack of organizational skills. Once you throw naked barbies, random puzzle pieces and broken crayons in the mix, the room was a virtual disaster. The girls had no room to play, much less to sleep.

So I literally spent hours cleaning the crap out of that room. All the clothes were put away. All broken and mismatched toys were discarded. Even the bulletin board was cleared off for future art projects. Again, it's not the room I am envisioning for them, but there are many future plans. At the very least, they have their beds back and I don't have to shut the door in embarrassment.
Can't wait to pick out paint colors
Good job.....yes, white blinds and PINK!
Or purple, or blue, or green or yellow...anything eye-popping and their own. Maybe even 1/2 room Trinity's color and the other Madison's color...who cares. It's THEIR room!
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