Although the weather wasn't nearly as nice as last weekend, the girls insisted on riding their bikes when we got home today. I insisted that they bundle up with jackets, hats, and gloves. Once everyone was properly attired, they proceeded to drag their bikes to the designated starting point, and ride on down.
First up was Madison, who's feet don't actually touch the pedals as she rides. She simply steers, and so far she's done pretty well at it.
Next up was Trinity, who doesn't ride a bike but a scooter. She also simply steers all the way down, and into garage as you can see. Thank God she didn't run into my car. (It's only now paid for)
To say the girls are anxious for Spring to get here is an understatement. They are sick and tired of the cold and gloomy weather, as am I. I'm a firm believer that people, especially children, need sunshine and fresh air to be able to flourish. I only wish Mother Nature thought the same.
Winter sucks
When is Madison going to do a spin with the big wheel???
She was close. She almost spun out at the of our driveway, only because the ground was wet. They don't em with the hand brakes anymore. That's what key to a good spin-out. Trust me. I know.
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