I know some of you aren't looking forward to Mom's big move to Tennessee. It's gonna be a big change for EVERYONE. But I think ya'll have been focused on the negative for way too long. No body has asked what it's going to do for me and the girls. Trinity is six, and she has never celebrated Christmas with Grandma or Popop. Madison will be turning five next week without Happy Birthday hugs from Prince Eric and Grandma. We have been alone a long time now. I understand distance plays a gi-normous part in all of this, and I'll take the blame for moving down here in the first place. But that's it. I live in Tennessee now. My children live in Tennessee. I've lived here for more then ten years now and this is my home. And honestly, I just want to share my little world with anyone that cares, and that person, right now, is Mom. I can guarantee she will drive me nuts, and the girls will do the same (which is why I need DAD). But at least I won't be alone.
That garden ain't gonna grow itself
Very well said and yes, we do need GRANDPA down there too! More to be said in my own blog soon.
Love ya, Bye
So your dad isn't got to TN??? Why not???
He's moving down eventually. I'm just trying to guilt him into doing it faster than planned.
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